Location Details:
Hardware Store / Showroom
3200 Kenilworth Ave
Hyattsville, MD 20781
Normal Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday | - 6am to 5pm |
Saturday | - CLOSED |
Sunday | - CLOSED |
Holiday and Special Hours
New Years Day (1/1) | - CLOSED |
Memorial Day (5/27) | - CLOSED |
Independence Day (7/4) | - CLOSED |
Labor Day (9/2) | - CLOSED |
Thanksgiving (11/28) | - CLOSED |
Day after Thanksgiving (11/29) | - CLOSED |
Christmas Eve(12/24) | - CLOSED |
Christmas Day (12/25) | - CLOSED |
Showroom - Masonry products, Treated Lumber, Plywood, Drywall, Cabinets, Framing Lumber, Paint, Builders Hardware
Contact General Manager: Sean Parker - sparker@twperry.com
Main # / Sales (301) 927-2200 Fax: (301) 927-7270
Dispatch (301) 927-2200 ext 118 Fax: (301) 927-7270
Purchasing (301) 927-2200 ext 123
Credit (240) 364-0413 Fax: (240) 403-2233
Employment (240) 364-0285 Fax: (301) 840-3539